Junior Developer Group Logo | A butterfly with a blue and a purple wing

We're a small, international community with a main goal of helping early career developers gain new skills, make meaningful connections and provide guidance to those entering their first roles in tech.

We started working together in December 2020 and have been building projects,
exploring Scrum ceremonies and debugging JavaScript ever since.

We're run by Likii and our Admin Team who help us learn more, support our experiments and are always there to share some funny memes

If you'd like to join us, collaborate with us or recruit some of our members, please note we're not interested in receiving any kind of payments.


Q: What projects have we done so far?
Q: What tools and technologies we use?

For a large majority of our projects we use HTML/CSS and vanilla JavaScript. However, we're slowly moving on to building projects using JS frameworks such as Vue.

As for tools, we use Figma for our designs, Jira for ticket management (we work in sprints), Discord as a main communication platform and GatherTown for our group meetings.

Links to all of the above can either be found in our site's footer or (if it's project related) inside of each project's readme files.

Q: Is there a skill level required to join the team?

The team is purposely created for beginners and junior developers alike. We have no skill or experience requirements and hope you'll be able to gain some while participating on our projects instead.

Mentors & Team Leads:

If you'd like to help broaden our skills and share your knowledge with us - we'd absolutely love to have you! Please speak to Likii who can help you get started.

Q: Are there team meetings?

Since the group was created we've always tried to meet once a week. Sometimes, we will schedule an extra workshop/event which is always advertised on our Discord channel in advance.

Q: Do I need to be online and participating every day?

In short, no. We run this group in a very casual way and we respect everyone has jobs and other responsibilities outside of it. Participation is completely optional.

That being said, absolute inactivity will not be welcomed and if it so happens we'll have to remove you from our group.

* Absolute inactivity
- no messages in any of our chats,
- no code activity or updates on tickets over a period of 3 months and onwards